Hip procedures 

Direct Anterior Total Hip Replacement

The Total Hip Replacement has been used as an effective treatment for over 50 years and with modern materials and advances in prosthesis design, your total hip replacement may last 20-30 years.

Hip replacement surgery involves removing the worn, arthritic areas of your hip joint and resurfaces them with implants made of metal, ceramic and/or polyethylene, in order to restore function and pain free movement.

The Procedure

Dr Gifford specialises in Anterior Approach hip replacement and uses Velys Hip Navigation to ensure the accurate restoration of your leg length and optimise hip placement.

The Anterior Approach is a minimally invasive approach that accesses the hip joint by taking advantage of the interval between the muscles, specifically rectus femoris and tensor fasciae latae (TFL). Minimal disruption to the soft tissues results in less postoperative pain and faster recovery.

Bilateral Total Hip Replacement

The vast majority of hip replacements are performed on one hip at a time, although bilateral hip replacements, or replacing both in the same procedure, are not uncommon. A bilateral hip replacement procedure is longer in duration and you will have increased postoperative care requirements, therefore if this is something you would particularly like to consider Dr Gifford can discuss your individual situation in greater detail to determine if you are a suitable candidate.

Revision Hip - painful or failed joint replacements

Revision surgery involves re-operation on a previous total hip replacement that has worn out, failed, or become loose. Some or all of the parts are removed and replaced with new ones. It is important to be aware that hip replacements are not guaranteed to last forever. Improvements in technology should help your replacement last longer, but it is difficult to estimate the life expectancy of your joint replacement.

Prepare for Surgery

We would like you to get the best results possible from your surgery. Your active participation and commitment throughout the process is vital.


You are the most important member in your team. Active participation in your preparation and recovery is vital to get the best from your joint replacement.

  • Choose your support person

  • Ask your surgeon any questions you may have

  • Prepare yourself for surgery

  • Prepare your home for your return after surgery


+ How serious is it having a joint replacement?

Having a joint replaced is a major operation. While most people have a good result and an active recovery, there are surgical and medical risks you need to be aware of. Ask your surgeon for more details.

+ How long will I be in hospital?

On average, patients go home 4 days after surgery. Some patients only stay in hospital for 2 or 3 days. Individuals recover at different rates but the care provided in hospital is intended to allow you to return home as soon as possible.

+ How much pain will there be?

Every person and situation is different but some pain can be expected for up to 12 weeks after your surgery. Most say pain is hardly noticeable after 6 weeks and continues to improve as your body heals. To help manage pain, a range of pain relief options may be offered to you in hospital.

This may include ice packs, leg exercises, oral pain medicines, nerve blocks or patient controlled analgesia.

+ How mobile will I be after the operation?

You will be able to bend and do most everyday things. This will improve over time with progress through your exercise program.

+ When can I start walking again after my operation?

As soon as the effects of the anaesthetic wear off it is possible to begin moving and walking. The physiotherapist or nurses will help you get up for the first time. You will usually be able to put full weight on your new joint straight away, but most people use a walking aid for about 4 weeks after the surgery.

+ When can I start driving again?

You may recommence driving again about 6-8 weeks after your operation, depending on which leg you had the operation on and how quickly you regain the movement, strength and control in your leg. Strong pain relief medications can also affect your driving ability so seek approval from your doctor before starting to drive.

+ When will I be able to go back to work?

Everyone is different. Your surgeon will address this with you and create a plan to protect your joint during the initial weeks back at work.

+ How can I prepare my family and myself before surgery?

Several weeks before you undergo joint replacement surgery, discuss your recovery with your surgeon and caregiver(s). Speak with your family members and/or friends about the role they will play in your recovery. Explain the surgery process to them and the care you will need after surgery.

+ Will I need extra help to manage at home?

While the goal is for you to be able to be independent at home, you are likely to need help for things like shopping, laundry and cleaning. Before you come to hospital you should think about your options to manage these tasks and who can help you or stay with you after surgery.

+ Do I need physiotherapy when I go home?

You should follow the exercises provided by the hospital physiotherapist however you do not need to visit a physiotherapist once discharged. A hydrotherapy program may be suggested after your 2 week review.